A Seamless Start: 6 Simple Steps to Configure Your First VPS Server with Monovm.com

Embarking on the journey of configuring your very first Virtual Private Server (VPS) marks a significant milestone in establishing a robust online presence. While the prospect might appear overwhelming initially, the process can be simplified and approachable with the right guidance. In this article, we will demystify the process and present six user-friendly steps that will seamlessly lead you through the configuration of your inaugural VPS server. 

By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to achieving a thriving and impactful online presence. 

What is VPS? 

A virtualized server that functions inside a bigger physical server is called a virtual private server (VPS). While still sharing the same physical hardware with other VPS instances on the same server, it gives customers a dedicated fraction of server resources, including CPU, RAM, storage, and bandwidth. 

VPS hosting fills the gap between shared hosting, where several websites share resources on a single server, and dedicated hosting, where a whole server is devoted to a single user.

Each VPS performs as a separate and isolated environment, giving customers more freedom and control over their server configurations, software setups, and customizations. In comparison to shared hosting, this gives users more freedom, security, and performance while operating their websites, apps, or services.

MonoVM’s Forex VPS is specially designed for forex traders. It hosts the trading platform on a remote server, allowing traders to experience high performance in a dedicated environment. 

6 Simple Steps to Configure Your First VPS Server

Here are the simple steps to configure your first VPS Server:

1. Choose a VPS Provider and Plan

Choose a trustworthy VPS provider that meets your requirements and price range. Resources (RAM, CPU, storage, and bandwidth), scalability, managed vs unmanaged choices, and operating system compatibility should all be taken into account.

  • Reputation and Reliability: Keep an eye out for good feedback and uptime guarantees.
  • Resource Requirements: Resources must meet the traffic and performance demands of your website.
  • Scalability: Pick a service provider that makes upgrading simple as your website expands.
  • Operating System and Software: Make sure they support the operating system and apps you like.
  • Managed vs. Unmanaged: Whether you want help or prefer direct administration, choose between managed and unmanaged.
  • Cost and Budget: Strike a balance between quality and your spending limits.
  • Data Center Locations: Choose facilities close to your intended audience.
  • Support and Features: Give timely support first priority while evaluating more features.

Making the right decision here will provide the groundwork for your internet business.

2. Access Your VPS

After purchasing a VPS package, you’ll get login information and instructions for connecting to your VPS via SSH (Secure Shell). Follow these steps:

  • SSH Access: To establish a secure connection, use software like PuTTY (Windows) or a terminal (Linux/macOS).
  • IP Address: To connect, enter the IP address that has been supplied
  • Username and Password: Enter the login information given to you by the VPS provider, username, and password.
  • Secure Connection: Secure Shell (SSH) connections guarantee encrypted communication for secure access.

You may now proceed to the next setup steps after safely logging into your VPS.

3. Update Your Operating System

After connecting, prioritize updating your VPS’s operating system to stay secure and up-to-date. Follow these steps:

  • Package Manager: Use the appropriate package manager (apt for Debian/Ubuntu, yum for CentOS).
  • Run Updates: Execute commands like sudo apt update (Debian/Ubuntu) or sudo yum update (CentOS).
  • Security Patches: Updates include the latest security fixes and software enhancements.
  • Regular Maintenance: Perform these updates periodically to maintain optimal security.

By keeping your operating system current, you’re enhancing your VPS’s security and performance.

4. Set Up User Accounts and Permissions

Enhance security by creating a non-root user with administrative privileges. Here’s how:

  • Non-Root User: Create a user other than ‘root’ to reduce unauthorized access risks.
  • Administrative Privileges: Assign sudo (superuser) access to the user for administrative tasks.
  • User Creation: Use commands like sudo adduser username to create the user.
  • Sudo Access: Grant sudo privileges to the user with usermod -aG sudo username.

By setting up users and permissions thoughtfully, you’re bolstering your VPS’s security framework.

5. Install Necessary Software

Tailor your VPS to your website or app’s needs by installing essential software components:

  • Web Servers: Install Apache or Nginx for hosting your site.
  • Databases: Set up MySQL, PostgreSQL, or other databases for data storage.
  • Programming Languages: Install languages like PHP, Python, or Node.js.
  • Frameworks: Install frameworks that suit your project’s requirements.

By installing the necessary software, you’re shaping your VPS into a platform that supports your website or application effectively.

6. Configure Firewall and Security Settings

Secure your VPS by implementing these security measures:

  • Firewall Setup: Use tools like UFW to control traffic with defined rules.
  • Allow Specific Services: Permit only necessary services and ports to enhance security.
  • Block Unauthorized Access: Prevent unauthorized access by blocking unnecessary traffic.
  • Disable Unneeded Services: Turn off services that aren’t essential for your setup.
  • Strong Passwords: Enforce strong passwords for user accounts and services.

By configuring firewalls and security settings, you’re safeguarding your VPS against potential threats and unauthorized access.

If you are seeking to optimize the SEO and speed of your WordPress website, check out 10 Tips for WordPress Speed Optimization and SEO strategies for local businesses.


Setting up your own VPS server doesn’t have to be a difficult task. You may create a reliable and secure VPS environment to host your website or application with these six easy steps. Recall that continued research and study will help you better understand VPS administration, enabling you to continuously improve speed, security, and scalability as your online presence grows. 

Following these simple guidelines will put you in a great position to get the most out of your VPS hosting experience.

Hi, This is Viney Bhatia – a blogger, an engineer, and an affiliate marketer. I enjoy writing about things like software reviews, WordPress products, blogging tips, digital marketing strategies, making money from websites, ranking better in search engines, etc.

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